Annual Vilnius Book Fair is one of the major events in the capital of Lithuania. It appears that about a half of Lithuanian population tries to squeeze into the Litexpo Conference Center, which, even though capable of containing thousands of people, is not made of rubber, so it gets pretty crowded in here (by pretty crowded I mean overflowing with people). Do you know what it means to go there on Saturday? No? Then fallow me!
Saturday morning, 10 a.m. I jump out of crowded trolleybus. Litexpo's premises are already swarming with hundreds of book lovers. But I got my ticket in advance so I skip long row of people and dive into the book paradise.
Here is where the Scientific and Reference Literature lives |
After you saw this photo above, you might start doubting me - 'Where are all those people that you talk about?' - you shout. Well, my dear reader, they are here...
... and here...
...hiding in the Music Hall...
...searching for old books in the Bouquiniste passage:
There's no official statistics yet of how many visitors there were this time (since Vilnius Book Fair is not over), but usually their number revolves about 60,000 people.
Actually, I had so much fun this year! There was so much things to see, to participate in! I hanged out with my friends Eglė (from Knyginėju) and Inga, so we used every opportunity to make this day memorable!
I told you that we love books!
Nice looking stand of our National Library of Martynas Mažvydas!
T-shirt with famous Lithuanian writers and their quotes
One must feed not only on literature |
As every year, I attended few events. I was really happy that my friend Eglė participated in a discussion, filmed by our National Television! Hooray!
Introducing twelve best Lithuanian author books of 2015. More about it here.
One of the most popular Lithuanian authors - Kristina Sabaliauskaitė (in the middle)... |
... and her audience
Discussion about the role of books when growing up. My friend Eglė is second from left |
There were many things you could do (for free!). For example, to make this cool photo with your friends:
To get a literary recipe to cure your current mood:
You could even consult with a oracle that gave you the answer in quotes from various books! How incredible is that?!
Young readers
Auction of antique books and various things
"The most important thing is to do something" written in the most incorrect way possible
My favorite whisky bar had its stand in the Music Hall
Walking to the Music Hall and Bouquiniste Passage
But, as you could've guess - it's not a Book Fair without books. I did buy them, after all. Seven for myself and two for my papa.
Third and forth book from the top is going to the library of my papa. As for all the others... I'm keeping them to myself (*insert evil laugh here*)!
Some cute things for myself and my friends
Books signed by their authors! I'm so happy that I met my favorite poet Rimvydas Stankevičius!
What are your experiences relating Book Fairs? Share with me! :)