About me

Hi! I am Asta! I am a philologist and a philocalist to the heart's core. Here I share things that I consider being aesthetic and fantastic!
Haruki Murakami nesigėdydama galiu vadinti savo paauglystės laikų dievuku. Skaičiau visas jo knygas, kai kurias - po kelis kartus. Būtent šis autorius tapo raktu į platesnį japonų literatūros pažinimą. Žinoma, nereikia būti filologe, kad matytum, jog šis autorius - mainstream'inis. Tačiau pats faktas, jog jis atsiduria pretendentų į Nobelio premiją už literatūrą sąrašuose yra kai ką sakantis.  

Haruki Murakami - Vyrai be moterų

Haruki Murakami nesigėdydama galiu vadinti savo paauglystės laikų dievuku. Skaičiau visas jo knygas, kai kurias - po kelis kartus. Būtent š...

Camel Caramel

Winter is a complicated season: it seems that you have prepared for it, but sooner or later you find out that it's not quite true. I ...

Slipknot European Tour: Vilnius 2016-01-23

As a teenager you can experience lots of things, especially if you want to be a little bit different. By saying different, I mean belonging...

Three Products from The Body Shop: A Review

January is now known as the sales month (a consultant in one shop even told me that I'm so lucky to be born on sale's month . Yup, ...

Bring it On, Cold!

How to know when you are a grown-up person? When you value your comfort and health more than how do you look. Especially, when it's col...

Back to the 2015: Summer Moments

I don't want to sound like a hipster, but I do like film photography. It just reminds me of my childhood so much: my dad was usually car...

From Palace to Palace: Sunday Stroll With "Gatvės gyvos"

I have been living in Antakalnis for almost four years and still there are some places that remained a mistery to me. Although I pass so...

The Stories Of Vilnius Catacombs (And Basements)

There are two ways how I like to spend my weekends: the first scenario involves staying at home, eating homemade food and watching telly, t...

My Workspace

For two years I worked in a project and spent great deal of time in our flat, sometimes not setting my foot outside for 24 and more hours....

Nauji namai!

Nuo šiol apie knygas karts nuo karto kalbėsiu savo naujame tinklaraštyje " Things I Like "! Užsukite!


Išsikraustau į naują tinklaraštį, todėl nuo šiol mane rasite nauju adresu ! Iki pasimatymo! :) - - - I moved out to a brand new blog, so now...

Little Changes

Hi there! First of all - welcome to my new blog! I am Asta, an author of two blogs -  Yellow Paprika  and  Fancy Reader . If we haven...

My Goals in 2016

2016-ųjų pradžia - šaltoka, ar ne? Bet kokie vaizdai mane užtat kasryt pasitinka pažvelgus pro virtuvės langą! Naujieji metai man prasidėjo ...