About me

Hi! I am Asta! I am a philologist and a philocalist to the heart's core. Here I share things that I consider being aesthetic and fantastic!

17 Mar 2014

Abandoned Beauty

Apleisti pastatai man dažniausiai dvelkia liūdesniu - kažkada juose gyventa, mylėta, pykta ir džiaugtasi, o dabar jie stovi niekam nereikalingi, vėjo drebinamais langais ir pamažu yrančiomis sienomis... Tačiau fotografas Kai Fagerström parodė, jog ir apleistas pastatas gali pulsuoti gyvybe! Stulbinančiose nuotraukose galima pamatyti, kaip namai pamažu okupuojami... barsukų, usūrinių šunų ir voveraičių! Paganyti akis galite čia

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Abandoned houses are somehow sad for me - some time ago they were full of people who lived, loved, argued, were happy and now they are just standing empty. But Kai Fagerström managed to show that these empty buildings can be filled with life again! In his fascinating photos he captures the process how houses are filling up with... badgers, raccoon dogs and squirrels! You can see more photos here
